Monday, June 23, 2008

So over the weekend I had the great idea that I was going to build my kids a sand box. I went to the lumber yard and got what I needed, set up the saw horses got out the saw, tape measure and went to work. Marc helped me a couple of times, but otherwise I worked my heart out building a sandbox for my babies on Saturday. Today we went and got some sand from the sand plant on Lakeshore Dr. That was a great experience. We had the great idea to put the sand in the trailer. After loading the trailer with sand we realized that tires were a little flat, and to make a long story short a 7 min. drive home from there took 20 mins. Aaron was so cute helping unload the sand and taking to the yard. He was the official gate keeper so Koda wouldn't get out and carried the empty wheel barrel back to the trailer. Needless to say the kids love it, and I actually had fun making it for them.


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