Friday, September 5, 2008

Back to School

Well its official summer is really over. Aaron started kindergarten this year. He didn't have a hard time at all leaving me or going to school. He went to Young Five's at Peach Plains last year. He is use to the school and the teachers. He has a few friends from class last year and a girl that was in his pre-school class with Ms. Eva at Central school in his new class. He is enjoying it. He really likes Mrs. Bauer and his new classroom. However, I on the other hand was a sobbing mommy. I know that they grown up but it seems like it has happened so fast. It seems like the last few months I have seen him changing, growing up. I have gone from laughing at the silly things he says to really laughing because he has a more grown up humor and he's just so darn funny! Really truly listening to what he is saying because he is really making sense now, its not the baby/toddler talk that he use to use. Then ya listen because he's your baby and he is just so darn special, ya just cherish the moments you have with him. Now he talks and carries on such a conversation with you. I'm not sure if any of this makes sense to all the readers out there. I guess I am just sad that my baby boy who I still feel like was just born is already in kindergarten, and I will probably just blink and he will be on his way to college :) Next week Zoe starts Pre-School. Ohhh, I am going to really be a mess!!


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